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Suva, Viti Levu – (June 28, 2019) CacaoFiji has two awards for its Fijian cocoa bean chocolate at multiple international chocolate competition this year. It has won Silver award for 70% Dark Dreketi Matasawalevu chocolate with their partner Arete at the Americas International Chocolate Award and won the Silver award for the 90% Dark Chocolate by Armstrong Chocolate at the prestigious London Academy of Chocolate Awards . We have also won a bronze for Fiji Drinking Chocolate category at the Academy of Chocolate Awards. The International Chocolate Awards judging took place in New York on June 3rd is an independent competition recognizing excellence in fine chocolate making and in the products made with fine chocolate. The Academy of Chocolate was founded in 2005 to promote a greater awareness of the difference between fine chocolate and the mass-produced chocolate confectionery which most of us eat.
“These are two different International awards and this is a testament to our ability to showcase globally our premium cocoa beans for fine chocolate. Competing and winning with 1200 entrants and 45 countries is no easy feat. The customers taste is changing and this has created a new category of consumers. Dark chocolate has numerous health benefits; it is nutritious, powerful source of antioxidants, improves blood flow and lowers blood pressure, reduce heart disease and improves brain function.” said Arif, Founder of Cacao Fiji Ltd “We have been consistently winning awards since 2015 and this is a testament that we are on to something and that our stakeholders need to work closely with us to have a sustainable revival. Cocoa farming thrived in 80’s and we can bring it back the glory days. We have set the frame work and the Fijian government should consider as a viable industry and supplement sugar farming. Infact ,there are many areas that is conducive for sugar farmers to diversify into cocoa farming areas such as Rakiraki, Nalawa in Vitilevu, Seaqaqa and the vicinity in Vanua Levu. I envision that we can have industry of 10,000 cocoa farmers in the next five to ten years if we make some serious and aggressive moves today . And why not, CacaoFiji has wet the world’s appetite for Fijian cocoa, we have the land and the people and the onus is now on the country to make a push.We can awaken the lion holding the cocoa pod on the Fijian flag.
The company has also ventured into chocolate and cocoa nibs with Vanua Chocolate and crafts chocolate for the Fiji market . The Vanua Chocolate Factory and Café is located at Waqadra, Nadi. We have rolled out our selection of 60%, 70%, Sea Salt and Kava Dark Chocolate with Dreketi and Rakraki flavors at Tappoo Fiji Market Place and Prouds Duty free stores.
Cacaofiji is the largest exporter of Fiji origin cacao beans and exports to USA, Canada, France, New Zealand and Australia. In 2015, the company was recognized as the top 50 beans at the International Cocoa Awards and have been working with farmers to revive the cocoa industry since then.
For more information, visit www.cacaofiji.com and Vanuachocolate.com
Press Contact for :info@cacaofiji.com